音乐学院 at the forefront of mariachi movement

Luis “Tito” Talamantes ’24 is an accomplished musician and a trailblazer in mariachi music, 曾在白宫演出, the Kennedy Center and recorded with some of the biggest names in mariachi around the world.

The Stockton native recalls listening to mariachi music with his family while growing up. And when his mother was in and out of the hospital with health complications, 他在练习小号中找到了慰藉.

After several years working as a professional musician, 教音乐是他的天职, 尤其是在大学层面. That opportunity came in 2019 when Talamantes partnered with conservatory faculty and the dean to launch Mariachi Ocelotlan­—the conservatory’s first mariachi ensemble.

“Mariachi reaches kids that you wouldn't typically reach,塔拉曼蒂斯说, who is in the master’s program in music education at Pacific. “It has the power of transcending and taking listeners on an emotional rollercoaster.

“也许是快乐. 也许是忧郁. Maybe it's the closest thing they have to their home, 他们不能回家,他说, adding that it’s not uncommon for students to share their family’s immigrant stories during class.

Mariachi originated in Jalisco during the mid-1800s as a result of blending indigenous and European musical influences and has since become an unmistakable symbol of Mexican culture. 一个典型的小组由两个小号组成, 最多六把小提琴, 西班牙吉他, vihuela和guitarron.

Talamantes believes adding mariachi to school music curricula gives the traditional Mexican folk music equal standing alongside the western classical genres commonly taught in American music schools.

这是一场席卷全国的运动, especially in regions with large Hispanic populations. In 2011, mariachi was recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, and mariachi programs are increasingly being offered in public schools and colleges across the country. 斯托克顿联合学区, 塔拉曼蒂斯也是那里的音乐老师, plans to launch six more programs in the next two years. 


Mariachi Ocelotlán students perform during the Pacific Prism concert at 首页coming and Family Weekend on October 15, 2022.

The Hispanic student population is steadily growing at Pacific. The university recently announced that it achieved Hispanic-Serving Institution status. 美国.S. 教育部指定, which requires at least 25% of students identify as Hispanic or Latino, enables universities to apply for funding to expand educational resources and opportunities for students.

The addition of programs such as Mariachi Ocelotlan underscores the university’s commitment to cultivate an inclusive environment that nurtures success and cultural expression.

“Tito and our students in Mariachi Ocelotlan are helping make the study of music in America’s schools more inclusive,彼得·维特说, 太平洋音乐学院院长. “For too long American school music marginalized entire cultures, repertoires and skills to celebrate those of a very specific few. As Pacific celebrates all the cultures that make the Central Valley, 加州和美国的音乐如此充满活力, 铁托为我们指明了前进的道路.”

The ensemble’s impact extends beyond the university. 2023年3月, 博彩平台网址大全春假期间, San Francisco Unified School District invited Mariachi Ocelotlan to offer a week-long mariachi clinic. Talamantes and 10 Pacific students worked with music teachers and their classes on pedagogy and technique, 在第9届“墨西哥流浪乐队万岁”中达到高潮! 在教会高中的音乐会.

“Getting exposure to other mariachi programs in California helped put things into perspective for us as students and educators in terms of how we want to expand and improve mariachi education going forward,埃莉·阿基诺说, a violin performance major and recent conservatory graduate.

“It's extremely important that students see themselves, their families and their cultures reflected in their education.”

That’s exactly what Talamantes is trying to accomplish. Last May he launched the Stockton Scholastic Mariachi Festival, 这是该市首次举办此类活动. The festival featured performances by 10 mariachi ensembles, 包括墨西哥流浪乐队, 并吸引了近1人,000名观众. 

The goal is to grow the festival into an annual conference, using proceeds to bring professional groups from Los Angeles and Mexico, and give students the opportunity to work with world-class musicians. The second annual festival took place Sunday, May 19, at Cesar Chavez High School.

For Talamantes, it all comes back to opening doors for more students through music.

“一天结束的时候, my job as a music educator is to advocate for the art and be an agent for social change,他说. “Mariachi creates a special connection that attracts students who might otherwise not be interested in music…When I see my students out there performing, I know they’ve found their identity and they feel empowered.”