Pacific has one of most successful years for 奖助金 in school history


博彩平台网址大全 secured 62 奖助金 from federal, state and county agencies totaling more than $36 million—one of the best years for government 奖助金 in school history.

The dramatic increase in fiscal year 2023—double the amount awarded to Pacific in 2022—was largely driven by three of the university’s largest 奖助金, which include $6 million for the 卫生科学学院 to expand the social work program, $5.6 million for Benerd大学 to support mental health services in K-12 schools and $5 million to 麦克乔治法学院 to improve mental health services in California. This was the best year for 奖助金 at Pacific in 15 years.

“This is a reflection of the exceptional work our faculty are doing to address pressing issues,David Ojcius说, assistant provost for re搜索 and scholarship. “These 奖助金 will have a significant impact on the community.”  

The grant for the social work program will allow it to expand to 100 students over the next five years. A 2018 report from the Healthforce Center at UCSF found the San Joaquin Valley has the lowest ratio of social workers per capita than any other region in California. 

Pacific received the largest grant among the 23 universities to receive funding from the California Department of Health Care Access and Information. 

The grant obtained by Benerd大学 from the U.S. Department of Education will help meet the need for mental health services in area schools. 研究生 students in the school’s counseling and school psychology programs will work directly with students in high-need schools.  

“It’s a need that has been identified for a long-time in the San Joaquin Valley and we have a real shortage. This is going to be a fantastic way for us to grow our own pipeline,” said Benerd大学 Dean Patricia Campbell. 

The 麦克乔治法学院 will also help improve mental health services with its grant from the state’s Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission. Public policy faculty will be helping local governments make transformative changes to their mental health services.  

Several faculty members have also obtained substantial funding for impactful re搜索, including prestigious 奖助金 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 托马斯J. Long School of 药店 Professor Mamoun Alhamadsheh was awarded $1.700万至 re搜索 antidotes for opioid overdoses. The grant is highly competitive with only 10-15% of applications submitted to the NIH typically funded. 

Other funding will help professors combat mosquito-borne diseases and better understand galaxy formation. 

“In addition to supporting re搜索, these 奖助金 provide incredible opportunities for our students,奥丘斯说. “They are involved in all of these projects, which gives them invaluable hands-on experience.” 

Some of the funding will provide financial support to students, including the grant obtained by Benerd大学. “The beauty of the grant we received is that it’s going to cover students’ tuition, so they don’t have debt hanging over their heads,坎贝尔说。.  


David Ojcius and Zoey Campbell with the Office of 研究 and Sponsored 项目

Pacific’s Office of 研究 and Sponsored 项目 has launched several initiatives to encourage more faculty to apply for external 奖助金. 例如, funding was recently made available for faculty working on interdisciplinary re搜索 involving at least two faculty members from different disciplines and departments. At the end of the two-year funding, faculty are required to apply for external funding to continue their re搜索. 

The office has also increased workshops on applying for 奖助金 and began a mini-lecture series called “What’s My 研究?” in 2022. Two faculty members present a short presentation on their re搜索 areas once a month to allow different departments to see what others are working on. 

The Office of 研究 and Sponsored 项目 can be reached at to provide assistance with grant applications.