Pacific professor’s re搜索 changes understanding of planetary systems


(Credit: NASA/Daniel Rutter) Artist’s concept showing two of the seven planets discovered orbiting a Sun-like star. The system, called Kepler-385, was identified using data from NASA’s Kepler mission.

A 博彩平台网址大全 professor is part of a team of scientists who have published a groundbreaking new catalog of exoplanets—planets that orbit stars beyond the solar system.

The catalog includes some exoplanet discoveries that were previously unknown to astronomers including Kepler-385, 发现的第一个包含7颗热行星的行星系统.

“Even the outermost planet at Kepler-385 receives more than eight times as much heat from its star than the Earth receives from the sun,物理学副教授丹尼尔Jontof-Hutter说. “The Kepler dataset changed our ideas of what kinds of planets and planetary systems are typical in our galaxy.”

Jontof-Hutter collaborated with re搜索ers from NASA Ames 研究 Center in California’s Silicon Valley and other universities around the country and in Canada. 校友Kadri Nizam ' 19, 现在是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的研究生, also worked with Jontof-Hutter on the re搜索 as an undergraduate student at Pacific.

他们的 研究结果将发表在《博彩平台网址大全》上 并在a中共享 来自美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心的新闻稿.


(图片来源:NASA/Daniel Rutter)开普勒-385的艺术家概念图, the seven-planet system revealed in a new catalog of planet candidates discovered by NASA’s Kepler space telescope.

“It is validating to see that our findings are in alignment and improve upon previous studies,纳齐姆说. “Being part of this collaboration was a valuable experience as an undergraduate. It allowed me to apply the skills that I acquired in class and gave me insight into the tireless effort that goes into pushing the boundaries of science.”

The project reanalyzed data collected by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope which operated in its primary mission from 2009-2013. Kepler continually monitored about 160,000 distant stars 搜索ing for the signal of exoplanets. Jontof-Hutter became involved in the mission while working as a postdoctoral re搜索er at NASA Ames.

“我们对宇宙邻居了解得越多, the closer we are to revealing Earth’s place in the family of planets.——丹尼尔Jontof-Hutter副教授

使用更精确的新技术, the team dramatically improved measurements of the sizes and orbital periods of thousands of exoplanets. 目录包括近4个,400颗候选行星, 包括700多个拥有多颗行星的星系. NASA描述了一颗候选行星 as a “likely planet” discovered by a telescope but not yet proven to exist.

“We’ve assembled the most accurate list of Kepler planet candidates and their properties to date,杰克·利索尔说, a re搜索 scientist at NASA’s Ames 研究 Center and lead author on the paper. “NASA’s Kepler mission has discovered the majority of known exoplanets, and this new catalog will enable astronomers to learn more about their characteristics.”

The new catalog enables the authors to study exoplanets as a population and compare exoplanetary systems to our own solar system as well as to each other. It enhances our understanding of some of the differences between systems where a single planet orbits a star and multi-planet systems.



The work of Jontof-Hutter and Nizam confirms with greater confidence that systems with multiple planets have significantly fewer giant planets, and that planets in two-planet systems are typically larger than those found in systems with multiple planets. 他们的 results also show that single planets have a much wider distribution of orbital periods than planets in multi-planet systems.

“This study is a step forward in our understanding of how diverse planetary systems are,琼托夫-哈特说. “These discoveries further highlight how different exoplanetary systems are from the solar system. 我们对宇宙邻居的了解就越多, the closer we are to revealing Earth’s place in the family of planets.”

In addition, the improved catalog will aid future studies of the Kepler planets.

“Observers using the 詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜 or ground-based telescopes need precise parameters in order to choose their targets for maximum scientific gain and to plan their observations,琼托夫-哈特说. “You can’t point a telescope at a star if you are not sure exactly when the planet is going to be detectable.”


(图片来源:NASA/Daniel Rutter)开普勒-385的艺术家概念图, the seven-planet system revealed in a new catalog of planet candidates discovered by NASA’s Kepler space telescope.

Other re搜索ers who collaborated on the re搜索 include: Jason F. Rowe at Bishops University in Canada, Eric Ford at Penn State, Daniel C. Fabrycky at the University of Chicago, Darin Ragozzine at Brigham Young University and Jason H. Steffen在拉斯维加斯内华达大学说.

博彩平台网址大全的其他几位教授 物理与天文学系 也参与过备受瞩目的天文学研究吗. Assistant Professor of Physics Dustin Madison is part of a team of international scientists that recently released 引力波的突破性发现, Associate Professor of Physics Guillermo Barro is among the first scientists selected by NASA to study images and data from the powerful 詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜 and Assistant Professor of Physics Elisa Toloba recently published new discoveries involving the Virgo Cluster, 银河系附近的一大群星系.