生物科学系的研究项目足够灵活,使你能够从事分子和细胞生物学方面的职业, botany, microbiology, physiology or zoology as graduate students. Some students pursue jobs in biotechnology, education, marketing and sales, among other fields. Programs in the department also prepare students for professional fields such as dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, medical technology, nursing or physical therapy.


As a student of biological sciences at Pacific, 您将与在各种不同生物系统方面具有专业知识的教师一起工作. 您将通过本科体验式学习和研究机会探索您的研究领域. 你也可以享受小型的高级课程,可以和你的教授直接互动, as well as the use of modern facilities and cutting-edge biological instrumentation. 

Unlike larger institutions that rely on graduate students to gather scientific data, Pacific offers unparalleled research opportunities for undergraduate students.



Our programs prepare you for health-based professional fields that include dentistry, pharmacy, medicine, biotechnology, nursing or physical therapy.

Faculty advisers work closely with University of the Pacific's Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and the Arthur A. 杜戈尼牙科学院招生委员会,以方便学生从预专业课程过渡到专业课程. 

Der Thor
Success After Pacific
Der Thor ’00

A 2000 graduate, Der Thor majored in biological sciences. He is currently working as an assistant professor at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, University of the Pacific, San Francisco Campus. His favorite part of the job comes with the territory, that is, working with students.

To students who are interested in studying biology, Der says that the academic environment at Pacific fosters great opportunities to grow academically. "It's a great place to get real undergraduate research experience," he says. "The faculty have diverse research expertise so you will find a project to make your own."

Undergraduate research opportunities


  • More than 70% of Biology majors engage in undergraduate research while at Pacific.
  • During the past 10 years, over 35 undergraduate students have co-authored significant research papers.
  • 生物学本科生有机会成为尖端研究实验室的全面成员,并体验实地研究生物学.


Undergraduates take active roles

The Department of Biological Sciences has 17 active faculty members and five emeriti. All members perform laboratory/and or field research, where undergraduates take an active role. Since the College of the Pacific is considered a primarily undergraduate research institution, 生物学研究项目的进展很大程度上依赖于本科生的实验工作. Unlike larger research institutions which primarily use Ph.D. candidates or post-doctoral students to gather scientific data, at Pacific, undergraduate students fulfill this role.

Professor Craig Vierra and student

Research Examples

Liora EdelsteinCherie Musgrove and Justin Bala-Hampton

These students performed research experiments in Dr. Wrischnik的实验室使用了一种被称为RNA干扰(RNAi)的实验技术来有效地“敲除”果蝇的基因. The students participated in the construction of the RNAi vectors, which were designed to destroy the function of DNA repair genes in fruit flies. In addition to learning the basics of molecular biology, 这三个学生学习了如何将DNA微注射到苍蝇胚胎中,从而将它们的DNA插入苍蝇的基因组中. The latter research was made possible by the department's sophisticated microinjection equipment.

Melissa Lipat

Melissa worked in Dr. Wrischnik的实验室建立了几种类型的DNA载体,促进了果蝇发育过程中DNA修复基因表达的可视化. She used the department's new, 高端倒置荧光显微镜,可视化这些基因在活的和固定的生物体中的表达. 她还进行了实时PCR分析,以帮助确认这些基因在果蝇发育过程中的表达时间.

Khanh从阴道毛滴虫中克隆了几个同源重组修复蛋白, a single-celled organism with a very ancient lineage. By using the department's ABI DNA Sequencer to analyze her clones, she revealed new information about the evolution of this repair pathway, as well as generated data to help understand the evolution of sex in single-celled organisms.

Coby La Mattina

Coby worked in Dr. Vierra's laboratory to elucidate the molecular properties of black widow spider silk. 她定期解剖蜘蛛腹部的产丝腺,以分离编码丝蛋白的RNA分子. Applying quantitative real-time PCR analysis, Coby has determined the expression profiles for several different silk genes. In addition, 她已经学会了如何筛选cDNA文库,以寻找在卵壳丝中发现的新的蜘蛛丝基因, which represent one of the most ancient silk threads in spiders. These studies have relied on the use of mass spectrometry and molecular biology.

Russell YeeHenry Chang and Shannon McNary

These students also work in Dr. Vierra's laboratory on the isolation of new silk genes from black widow spiders, as well as silk overexpression in bacteria and yeast. For the past two summers, 他们一直致力于利用重组DNA方法操纵蜘蛛丝基因. 他们的研究使人们对黑寡妇丝的分子成分有了更好的了解, 是什么帮助我们提高了对丝线令人难以置信的抗拉强度和弹性的认识. Long-term objectives include being able to produce synthetically for commercial applications, which include the use of synthetic silk for ropes and cords, medical sutures, bullet proof vests and lightweight airplane wing materials.

Biological Sciences Facilities

Biology students and faculty make themselves at home in our two-story, 56,000-square-foot building. The lower floor has state-of-the-art teaching facilities, and the upper floor is equipped with 15 modern research laboratories for faculty and students, as well as specialty equipment rooms.

Biology Lab Tour

Sophisticated Lab Equipment

我们系配备了现代化的分子和细胞生物学研究设备,供教师使用, undergraduate and graduate students. 动手培训和经验,这种仪器帮助学生准备研究生院和科学事业.

Spinning-Disk Confocal Microscope

这种专门的显微镜在获得样品的一系列光学切片时特别有用, 然后可以重新组装形成一个特定细胞结构的三维表示. In her cancer research, Dr. Lisa Wrischnik利用这台显微镜研究了几种半胱氨酸蛋白酶(酶)的细胞定位和运输模式,这些酶在人类寄生虫中表达 Trichomonas vaginalis.

Nikon Fluorescence Microscope

荧光显微镜是通过分析从标本发出的荧光来评价标本的. Fluorescent dyes or markers may be attached to the sample to illuminate a certain area of interest. 该设备是细胞生物学家研究细胞内蛋白质定位和运动的重要工具.

DNA Microarray Technology
DNA Microarray Technology

This equipment, consisting of a spotter, automated hybridization chamber and scanner, "prints" genes onto the surface of a glass slide—up to 50,000 genes can be deposited on a single slide. Dr. 克雷格·维埃拉和他的学生们用这个机器人打印出了世界上第一个蜘蛛DNA芯片. 他们正在使用这些DNA芯片来监测从蜘蛛身上强行去除丝纤维后产丝腺中基因表达谱的变化.

Honor Society

Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta) is a biological honor society for students, particularly undergraduates, 致力于通过科学研究提高对生物学的理解和欣赏,扩展人类知识的边界.

Members typically represent future doctors, teachers, pharmacists, biomedical researchers, 牙医(和朋友)致力于成为科学界的一员,在为职业生涯做准备的同时,充分利用他们的大学经历.

Tri-Beta students
Noyce Scholars
Pacific Noyce Scholars

PacNoyce博彩平台网址大全排名计划为博彩平台网址大全的STEM专业学生提供奖学金和其他支持,这些学生将成为高需求学区的教师, such as Stockton.

You could be eligible for the Robert Noyce Teachers Scholarship worth up to $13,750 a year, for juniors and seniors or $20,000 for the final MA/teaching credential year.

Teaching credential track

If you wish to qualify to teach biology at the secondary level, you should complete the Single Subject Credential in the biological sciences. Ask you adviser or the department chair for information on specific course requirements.  For other credential requirements, you should consult faculty in Benerd College.

Biological Sciences

Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Arts in Biological Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences with Departmental Honors
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences for Teaching Credential Candidates
Minor in Biological Sciences
Master of Science in Biological Sciences
biology student
Master of Science in Biological Sciences

我们的硕士学位课程为学生提供了广泛的生物科学背景,为进入博士学位做准备.D. degree programs, employment in the biotechnology industry, and teaching positions at the high school and community college levels.

Ready to take the next step?
student in lab

Contact Us

Biology student looking into microscope
Department of Biological Sciences

Biological Sciences Center 103