校友因杰出成就而获奖 at annual Distinguished 校友 Awards


杰出校友颁奖典礼将于2月11日举行. 3, 2024.

的 Pacific 校友 Association has chosen five 2024 Distinguished 校友 Awards recipients for their exceptional professional achievements and dedication to 博彩平台网址大全.

获奖者是:1980年的拉尔夫·克拉克, ‘81, 12岁的娜塔莉·康普顿, 艾伦·库克77年, 理查德·弗莱明1969年和尊敬的约翰尼·B. 罗林森79.

“这五位校友代表了太平洋人的意义,” said Vice President for Development and 校友 Relations Scott Biedermann ’05, ’20. “的y are excelling at the highest levels in their fields while also generously supporting Pacific and its students, 创造持久的影响. 我们很自豪地表彰他们令人难以置信的成就.”

颁奖典礼将于2月11日举行. 2024年3月3日,斯托克顿校区.




卓越奖章, 表彰作为教员的校友, staff or regents and have exhibited exceptional service to the university, 他们的职业和社区

Former Regent Fleming has impacted generations of students through his service to Pacific and generous donations, 包括建立弗莱明家庭基金.

的 fund supports the Fleming Family Endowed Promise 奖学金, which provides assistance to former foster youth and temporarily homeless students, 以及弗莱明奖学金, 哪个机构会支持任何没有满足经济需求的学生.

他还支持了许多其他倡议, including the Pacific 评议 Covid Recovery Fund and Pacific Fund. In 2022, he inspired others to give by quadrupling donations made to the 评议 Endowed 奖学金 Fund during Pacific 给s, 一年一度的24小时筹款活动. 

Fleming served as a regent from 2012 to 2021 and was chair of the investment committee. He also has served on the 埃伯哈特商学院 campaign committee and was a member of the business school’s advisory board.

2012年退休之前, Fleming was vice president and chief financial officer of USG Corporations, 建筑材料制造商建筑材料制造商, 近20年来.

他曾在多个董事会任职,为社区造福, 包括多番干预, an Illinois youth services agency and the Child Welfare League of America.

He lives in Chicago with his wife of more than 50 years Diana (Loane) Fleming ’71. 的 couple met on the 斯托克顿校区 and were married in Morris Chapel.




Distinguished Professional Service, honoring alumni who have achieved notable career success

Clark是SoundThinking的总裁兼首席执行官, 以前被称为ShotSpotter, 一家公共安全技术公司. 的 company is most widely known for its gunshot detection system, which can recognize and locate sources of outdoor gunshot activity.

的 technology is used by more than 150 cities around the country to help police respond more quickly to gunfire. Clark自2010年以来一直领导公司.

他曾担任GuardianEdge Technologies Inc .的首席执行官. where he played an integral role in its acquisition by Symantec. 在职业生涯早期,他曾在IBM和高盛工作.

克拉克收到了恩斯特奖 & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award for the Northern California region in 2019 and was named Most Admired CEO by the San Francisco Business Times.

Clark is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity and earned bachelor’s degrees in philosophy and economics from Pacific, 以及哈佛商学院的MBA学位.

尊敬的约翰尼·B. 罗林森

尊敬的约翰尼·B. 罗林森

尊敬的约翰尼·B. 罗林森

杰出的公共服务, honoring alumni who have made exceptional professional contributions to society through civic or public service

A graduate of the 麦克乔治法学院, 罗林森 is a judge on the U.S. 内华达州拉斯维加斯第九巡回上诉法院.

She has served as a federal judge for more than two decades after being nominated to the court in 2000 by President Bill Clinton. 罗林森 is the first African American woman to sit on the Ninth Circuit.

她也是前美国地区法官. 罗林森被任命为美国联邦调查局局长.S. 1998年内华达州地区法院, becoming the first woman and first person of color to serve on the federal district court.

在她成为法官之前, 罗林森 served as deputy district attorney and chief deputy in the office of the Clark County District Attorney.




杰出志愿服务, honoring alumni who have made exceptional contributions to society through volunteering

四十多年了, Cook has demonstrated what it means to be a Pacifican through his tireless efforts to support his alma mater and help youth and those in need in Stockton.

In 2018, 库克夫妇, 校友简·戴尔·库克1975年, made a generous donation to the William Knox Holt Memorial 图书馆 and Learning Center at Pacific to create the Cook Family Children’s Literature Collection. 的y have also endowed a student scholarship called the Alan B. 以及简·戴尔·库克奖学金.

He has been an active member of the Pacific 校友 Association Board of Directors and was a member of the executive committee for Beyond our Gates, a community outreach initiative at Pacific for more than 10 years to improve childhood literacy.

库克是圣. George Parish School in Stockton before pursuing a career change and attending divinity school. 他在中央联合卫理公会教堂工作, 位于博彩平台网址大全斯托克顿校区对面, for 15 years as director of Family Ministries before retiring in 2021. 的 教堂有着丰富的历史 with Pacific and continues to support students through a scholarship program.

Cook earned a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies from Pacific and two credentials.




Outstanding Young 校友, honoring alumni of distinction who attended Pacific in the last 15 years

Compton’s determination and talent have taken her from a student writer for 的 Pacifican to one of the country’s most widely read newspapers—的 Washington Post.

She joined the staff in 2019 as a writer for its travel site “By the Way,” where she shares travel tips and writes about her experiences traveling the world.

的 highly coveted position is a result of her hard work and perseverance as a freelance travel writer. 受她对食物的热情驱使, 旅游与文化, 康普顿从2014年开始做自由撰稿人, 最终游历了七大洲. 她最初为一些小出版物撰稿, but quickly worked her way up to major outlets across the country, 包括《博彩平台网址大全排名》, 副, 洛杉矶时报和美食杂志 & 酒.

Compton earned a bachelor’s degree in communication from Pacific.