
Pacific, United Methodist Church maintain historic affiliation


Reverends Edward Bannister, Isaac Owen and William Taylor

Founded 172 years ago through the vision of three Methodist ministers, University of the Pacific—California’s first and oldest university—remains 该州唯一一所隶属于联合卫理公会的大学.

On July 10, 1851, Reverends Edward Bannister, Isaac Owen and William Taylor oversaw the signing of the Pacific charter. 这所大学的历史与卫理公会有着密切的联系,从湾区开始,直到99年前的1924年搬到斯托克顿.



What does the affiliation mean? The Rev. 太平洋宗教和精神生活主管Kim Montenegro解释道:

联合卫理公会有一个全球高等教育委员会,负责管理所有与教会有关的大学和神学院. There is no oversight from the church. But both the church and Pacific understand there is a special, historic relationship that they want to maintain.”

people walk on sidewalk in front of methodist church


University-church split still left room for continuing relationship

在1946年罗伯特·伯恩斯(Robert Burns)之前,博彩平台网址大全的18位总统都是卫理公会的神职人员. Burns remained supportive of the university-church relationship. In 1969, however, Burns and university governance faced a critical, faith-related decision that would shape the future.

美国最高法院审理的一个案件有可能切断与教会有关的学院和大学的联邦资助. 1969年,博彩平台网址大全董事会投票决定切断与联合卫理公会的正式关系,以帮助避免潜在的资金损失. This strategy was adopted by many faith-governed colleges.

As it turned out, 最高法院在一项令许多人惊讶的决定中投票决定保持与教会有关的资金不变. 太平洋教会选择不改变脱离卫理公会领导的决定. The United Methodist Church was supportive of Pacific’s decision.


Other leaders also helped keep the Methodist ties viable, including Rev. Dr. 拉里·梅雷迪思,教堂院长,人文和宗教研究教授.

他通过开设宗教和现代文化等课程,将莫里斯教堂变成了校园的中心, Life of Jesus, 宗教,体育,宗教,电影除了欢迎高知名度的客座讲师(包括民权倡导者安吉拉·戴维斯, farmworkers’ leader Dolores Huerta and ‘Peanuts’ cartoonist Charles Schulz, who often dined with students). 梅雷迪思还活跃于中央联合卫理公会,并以唱圣诞颂歌而闻名.

莫里斯教堂继续敞开大门,为其他信仰的学生创造一个欢迎的空间, 包括每周一次的佛教冥想、天主教弥撒和许多其他信仰. 黑山指出:“在接纳方面,中央联合卫理公会和太平洋公会有许多共同之处. Respect for all is an important element that is shared.


Morris Chapel

Morris Chapel

Campus-church bond remains strong and viable


1964年,一座充满活力的新教堂圣所完工,这是一个历史性的时刻. The unique building has a 130-foot steeple and a unique, arching roofline. 该大学在圣所的规划过程中发挥了重要的领导作用.

“There’s no question that the building has a presence in Stockton,” said Montenegro, 谁在教会长大,后来在那里担任青年主任. “It is very unique outside and is a beautiful place for worship inside.”

多年来,该教堂有许多杰出的成员,包括名人堂足球教练阿莫斯·阿隆佐·斯塔格, Pacific President Tully C. Knoles and Don Biddle, 他设计并建造了300多座建筑,供美国宇航局和哈勃望远镜使用.

The Rev. Gary Putnam, 他在讲坛上充满活力,曾为中央联合卫理公会和太平洋教会服务, reflected in a 1999 sermon:

“Steel and stone, brick and mortar do not make a church. People do.”

students sit on the lawn in front of the methodist church

Since 2013, 45 students have received scholarships from the church. 

Bishop’s scholarship supports Pacific students


主教奖学金可以颁发给加州任何联合卫理公会教会的积极成员, Arizona, Nevada or Hawaii.

在2022-23学年,有7名学生获得了主教奖学金,以帮助支付大学学费. Since the scholarship’s 2013 creation, 45 students have received aid (scholarships are now $3,000 annually).

“The scholarships are important, and we are pleased that we have been able to keep them going strongly,” said Alan Cook ’77, 他在中央联合卫理公会担任了15年的家庭事工主任,于2021年退休. 他仍然活跃于他的教会、母校和斯托克顿的整个信仰社区.

“联合卫理公会主教奖学金是一项非常慷慨的奖学金,它帮助我进一步追求我的学术生涯,” said Gianna Mora ’24, who is studying speech-language pathology. “能从和我有同样信仰的人那里获得奖学金,不断地提醒着我,在我的大学生活和未来的职业生涯中,我为什么要做我现在做的事情.”

To qualify for the scholarship:

  • 学生必须是教会的出席成员,并有经济需要.
  • They must maintain a minimum 3.0的绩点.
  • Continuing undergraduate students will be eligible for the scholarship, up to a maximum of five years. Graduate and transfer students will also be eligible.
  • 我们鼓励学生持续参与联合卫理公会的校内或校外活动.
  • 应用 for the scholarship here

Sources consulted in research for this story

  • 《拓荒者还是灭亡:博彩平台网址大全史记》. Robert E. Burns, 1946-1971” (1977), by Kara Brewer
  • “Our Church is Central,” (1999), by Central United Methodist Church
  • 《博彩平台网址大全》(2016),作者:菲尔·吉尔伯森